Here you will find examples of
Data collection & migration
Data extraction
Conversion & enrichment
Data-structure transformation
Interactive reengineering of data
Data integration from ERP
What do these terms mean?
1. Data collection & migration
Data is merged from multiple sources with unique keys
Changes can be made to the data structure so that another system can continue to use this data in its own structures
Also, only better handling than in the original source can justify the transformation
2. Data extraction
Data is embedded in other structures but is required on its own
Data is not available in a form that can be processed by machines
Only a subset of the available data is required
3. Conversion & enrichment
Data from a source must be formally reworked
Data from one source must be enriched with data from other sources
4. Data-structure transformation
Transform data from columns to rows
Split one row to multi-key rows for records
5. Interactive reengineering of data
System-supported interactive processing, supplementation or conversion of data for the primary loading of e.g. ERP systems
6. Data integration from ERP
ERP-Data can be referenced in other applications like Excel. This way you could use address-data, priece or quantity info for your articles for address-labels of other documents.