Classification of construction materials


In the ERP system SPIRE from Spire-Systems, the existing approx. 8,000 articles from the construction industry are to be categorized so that the visualizations in the connected BI system enable corresponding evaluations. There is currently no category or hierarchy and the article descriptions alone are not sufficient.

Solution and procedure:

All article numbers are exported from the ERP and loaded into the auxiliary system. A corresponding hierarchy structure for this article type was found on the Internet and loaded as a starting point.

Figure 1 on the left shows the selection of articles that have not yet been classified

Figure 2 above, framed in red, shows the option to find and exclude articles using keywords. Items can be excluded individually using the individual markers (orange). The number of items currently selected is displayed in the field framed in blue.

Figure 3 shows the clickable hierarchy. If a key term is missing, it can be added immediately at the bottom of the blue-framed field and selected immediately. After classification, the number of items that have not yet been processed is reduced accordingly.

Figure 4 shows an example of the completed classification, which can then be uploaded to customer-specific fields after export as ERP.

Figure 5 shows the attempt to assign items quasi automatically with a high hit probability using keyword collections.


Processing of difficult structured laboratory data


Data extraction - Sample 1