Improvement proposal reporting system for profitability

Problem definition:

As part of the operational improvement suggestion scheme, employees made suggestions as to how costs could be saved in the area of operations. These suggestions were reviewed and further specified by production planners. The economic benefit (ROI) was also determined. Finally, the proposal was presented to a specialist commission for evaluation.

Situation before:

During my work as a production planner, I carried out such profitability calculations for technical changes. It happened quite often that at calculation time the economic viability was not given and the implementation was therefore rejected. However, if the number of units produced increased over time after the negative assessment, nobody thought about reconsidering this sensible change and, if necessary, implementing it.

Situation afterwards:

I therefore created an application in which I could enter all the relevant article numbers for each proposal. I also stored the calculated limit quantity from which it would be worthwhile to implement this proposal. In monthly update runs the system updated the current monthly quantity from the ERP system for each stored article number and checked whether the stored limit quantity had been reached in total.

If this limit was exceeded, I was informed by e-mail and was able to review the situation again or initiate the implementation of the improvement idea.


Tool-costs controlling


PPM rates info system