Tool-costs controlling
Problem definition:
In a previous job as a production planner, I had a lot to do with the management of production equipment, with a focus on plastic tools. Changes, major repairs and replacements or capacity expansions had to be planned and managed.
Depending on the situation, different considerations were necessary, which influenced the decision regarding the design and technology.
Situation before:
For certain aspects (e.g. imputed repair costs), however, there were only roughly estimated formulas and discretionary decisions, as no data was available.
Situation afterwards:
As the tools were integrated into the production plans in the ERP system, it was possible to determine the produced quantities, investment, modification and repair costs. The tools could also be differentiated according to manufacturing process, design and type. After the data transfer from the ERP system and the corresponding structural preparation of the data, I was able to put the respective costs and quantities in relation to each other and thus help to derive completely new insights for the management, which significantly influenced the design of new tools.
The imputed repair costs could be determined much more precisely and the selection of the manufacturing process could now also be made more easily from a maintenance perspective. The item complexity could also be used for categorization.
Conclusion: The gap between calculated and actual repair costs could be greatly reduced.