Bill of material (BOM) Apps - Forecast Break Down

Problem definition:

Trade goods were not broken down to the BOMs in SAP. This means that the forecast cannot be broken down to components as well. Detailed planning at component level via increasing/decreasing forecasts wasn´t possible. Project planning for new products (materialization) always like a lottery.

Situation before:

No system support available. Purely subjective problem assessment.

Situation afterwards:

ŸAfter the completion of a simulation run (time depended on the quantity of articles) the results were presented in list form. One row for every article an every month of forecast. In some flexible fields individual master data (e.g. supplier, drawing number, division, VPE etc.) could be added. In one field of each row all levels of the BOM hirachy were noted, from where the damand has come.

A search by user (1) or part number (2) if necessary - or export of the data to Excel was possible.


BOM Apps - Tool risk analysis


Connect Data to other Data structures