Production trials & measurement sample management
Problem definition:
In order to achieve better controlling for development projects, the quality planners (Q planners) assigned to the projects should assign their expenses to the projects. The corresponding input options in SAP did not meet the requirements and were too cumbersome. Individual "double-entry bookkeeping" in Excel was to be avoided.
Situation before:
SAP workflow required too much work.
Situation afterwards:
My solution supported the Q planners in recording and allocating their times by displaying many things in advance and most of them only had to be filled in with a click. This was particularly helpful when there were several small blocks of time per project during a day.
The system identified the Q planner who opened the application, displayed his current projects and the times recorded "today" and in the "current week". Plausibility checks were also carried out and, if necessary, notes were displayed. At the end of the month, a summarizing export file of all postings for the entire area was then automatically sent for transfer to SAP.


Enter times worked on certain projects. Recent entries were shown on the right side to prevent double entries.

Entries for cost-centers

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