Power Bi - Report Development

  • Is your business data stored in different systems?

  • Can you analyze data in the reports you create?

  • Does this data have to be laboriously merged by hand on a regular basis?

  • Does it take a lot of manual labor to create these reports?

  • Can you access your report data and key figures from anywhere?

  • Are you using Spire by Spire-Systems?

If you are not yet able to benefit from these advantages, try Power BI, the leading business intelligence product from Microsoft.

Database Development

  • Do you have very specific business processes for which there is no standard software?

  • Do you need flexible software support for your business processes?

  • Can your ERP system handle almost everything, but not all processes in your company?

  • Do you heavily rely on Excel to support your business proceses or are many of your solutions implemented in Excel?

If these points seem important and interesting to you, take a look at my options.

Data Accumulation, Cleaning & Transition

  • Do you frequently need data from sources whose data format you cannot influence (e.g. supplier PDF, other websites)?

  • Do you need data transformed into other formats or structures? Maybe even on a regular basis?

  • Do you have a known heap of data that needs to be tidied up and structured?

  • What if you always had up-to-date product data available at will in Excel?

If you also need these functions, take a look at the examples shown.